Help !, <Eric>, 17.12.2004 12:20
Help !, <Alli>, 17.12.2004 15:07
Tom waits for your mum, <Eric>, 17.12.2004 15:44
Tom waits for your mum, <Raindog Harry>, 17.12.2004 15:54
Tom waits for your mum, <Eric>, 17.12.2004 17:05
Tom waits for your mum / erratum, <Eric>, 17.12.2004 17:07
Tom waits for your mum / erratum, <Raindog Harry>, 17.12.2004 17:32
Tom waits for your mum, <Alli>, 17.12.2004 17:39
Temptation / for Alli, <Eric>, 17.12.2004 17:45
Temptation / for Eric, <Alli>, 17.12.2004 17:46
Temptation / for Eric, <Eric>, 17.12.2004 17:48
Temptation / for Eric, <Raindog Harry>, 17.12.2004 18:04
Temptation / for RH, <Eric>, 17.12.2004 18:10
Temptation / for RH, <marco>, 17.12.2004 18:28
Temptation / for marco, <Eric>, 17.12.2004 18:36
Temptation / for marco / oups..., <Eric>, 17.12.2004 18:37
Temptation / for marco, <Raindog Harry>, 17.12.2004 18:45
Temptation / for RH, <Raindog Harry>, 17.12.2004 18:42
He's not the messiah..., <Alli>, 17.12.2004 19:14
He's not the messiah..., <Raindog Harry>, 17.12.2004 19:38
Cheers Marco :), <Alli>, 17.12.2004 19:17
Cheers Marco :), <marco>, 17.12.2004 19:31
Cheers Marco :), <Alli>, 17.12.2004 19:34
Tom waits for your mum, <miss_emelmahaaeey>, 17.12.2004 21:20
Tom waits for your mum, <Eric>, 20.12.2004 15:31
Subject Tom waits for your mum
Created17.12.2004 17:39

Well that was a really nice and unexpected response
Eric. :) Maybe your mother has some hints on how to
deal with my Matilda's new haircut? I doubt even Vidal
Sassoon can sort that one out.

Todays job is clearing out the old broken toys from the
toybox to make room for the new ones that Father
Christmas will hopefully bring. It's a big task and
difficult to do when all the children are hovering
around telling me that certain things cannot be thrown
away. Some are beyond mending though and ultimately
there is no choice but to send them to toy heaven
(wherever that may be).

Well, do I send the concert to you? It's very tempting
isn't it?? Let me know.
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