Help !, <Eric>, 17.12.2004 12:20
Help !, <Alli>, 17.12.2004 15:07
Tom waits for your mum, <Eric>, 17.12.2004 15:44
Tom waits for your mum, <Raindog Harry>, 17.12.2004 15:54
Tom waits for your mum, <Eric>, 17.12.2004 17:05
Tom waits for your mum / erratum, <Eric>, 17.12.2004 17:07
Tom waits for your mum / erratum, <Raindog Harry>, 17.12.2004 17:32
Tom waits for your mum, <Alli>, 17.12.2004 17:39
Temptation / for Alli, <Eric>, 17.12.2004 17:45
Temptation / for Eric, <Alli>, 17.12.2004 17:46
Temptation / for Eric, <Eric>, 17.12.2004 17:48
Temptation / for Eric, <Raindog Harry>, 17.12.2004 18:04
Temptation / for RH, <Eric>, 17.12.2004 18:10
Temptation / for RH, <marco>, 17.12.2004 18:28
Temptation / for marco, <Eric>, 17.12.2004 18:36
Temptation / for marco / oups..., <Eric>, 17.12.2004 18:37
Temptation / for marco, <Raindog Harry>, 17.12.2004 18:45
Temptation / for RH, <Raindog Harry>, 17.12.2004 18:42
He's not the messiah..., <Alli>, 17.12.2004 19:14
He's not the messiah..., <Raindog Harry>, 17.12.2004 19:38
Cheers Marco :), <Alli>, 17.12.2004 19:17
Cheers Marco :), <marco>, 17.12.2004 19:31
Cheers Marco :), <Alli>, 17.12.2004 19:34
Tom waits for your mum, <miss_emelmahaaeey>, 17.12.2004 21:20
Tom waits for your mum, <Eric>, 20.12.2004 15:31
Subject Tom waits for your mum
Created17.12.2004 21:20

Eric, if you can succeed in getting your mum into Tom
Waits I take my hat off to you (even though I'm not
wearing one. Would take it off if I was though). My
mum says she doesn't know who Tom Waits is (a comment
I tried to block out). I think she'd be scared of him.
She's more of an Abba mum unfortunately (but nice, I
hasten to add, in an Abba kind of way). My dad at
least knows who Tom is, after working with me for a
few months once and hearing nowt else but Tom on the
stereo. But he is still at One From The Heart stage,
I'd say, says he enjoys that (doesn't really pass
comment on any of the others, despite my efforts to
woo him with the Early Years vols 1 and 2). He did
make me laugh though when we were trying and failing
to get tickets for TW this year, somewhere, anywhere.
He said if we didn't manage then we could go round to
his house and he'd stand behind a curtain. He then did
a really funny impersonation of Tom, kind of sounding
like Captain Birdseye. It cheered me up for about 10
seconds at the time, before I sank back into the
depressing reality of not getting a ticket (though I
did in the end). Anyway, hope your mum likes her CD -
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