forum, <M. H.>, 10.01.2005 00:28
No.. if you..., <Alli>, 10.01.2005 00:44
No.. if you..., <Mary>, 10.01.2005 01:28
No.. if you..., <KiKi>, 10.01.2005 04:20
KiKi :), <Mary>, 10.01.2005 10:09
for Mary, <Kiki>, 10.01.2005 21:28
For Mary, <Eric>, 10.01.2005 14:31
forum, <marco>, 10.01.2005 01:40
DVD's, <Alli>, 10.01.2005 14:35
Subject No.. if you...
Created10.01.2005 01:28

Hi M.H.

Don't know if you have been around this forum much but
this is one great community of Tom Waits fans. Many of
those who post have no people in our 'real'lives to
share our respect for Tom with but we find caring,
likeminded folk from the international community in
this our 'oasis'.

To put it in context, right now you find us
immediately after the excitement of the European tour
and folk are kindly, at their own expense, helping
others less skilled in the world of downloads to get
copies of shows they were either at or wished they
were at. This maybe explains why you ask if it's 'just
all about ripping dvds' as it may have seemed like
that the last few weeks . But hang around until
we 'settle' and others come back from the Festive
holidays Only then judge the Forum.
Happy new year
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