forum, <M. H.>, 10.01.2005 00:28
No.. if you..., <Alli>, 10.01.2005 00:44
No.. if you..., <Mary>, 10.01.2005 01:28
No.. if you..., <KiKi>, 10.01.2005 04:20
KiKi :), <Mary>, 10.01.2005 10:09
for Mary, <Kiki>, 10.01.2005 21:28
For Mary, <Eric>, 10.01.2005 14:31
forum, <marco>, 10.01.2005 01:40
DVD's, <Alli>, 10.01.2005 14:35
Subject DVD's
Created10.01.2005 14:35

I don't think there's anything wrong with it. Like
Mary said, some want a copy because they were there and
others want it because they weren't there. There were
so few tickets available and lots of people missed out
on the chance to see Waits live. I must point out that
the vast majority of people who rip it will buy it if
it ever becomes commercially available and they
certainly would not SELL anything ripped, unlike some
unscrupulous b******* on Ebay. Marco already knows all
this of course and, to his great credit, he was the
instigator of donating to the Tsumani Fund in exchange
for DVDs/CDs. Not even Tom Waits could argue with that
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