forum, <M. H.>, 10.01.2005 00:28
No.. if you..., <Alli>, 10.01.2005 00:44
No.. if you..., <Mary>, 10.01.2005 01:28
No.. if you..., <KiKi>, 10.01.2005 04:20
KiKi :), <Mary>, 10.01.2005 10:09
for Mary, <Kiki>, 10.01.2005 21:28
For Mary, <Eric>, 10.01.2005 14:31
forum, <marco>, 10.01.2005 01:40
DVD's, <Alli>, 10.01.2005 14:35
Subject for Mary
Created10.01.2005 21:28

Hi Mary, Unfortunately I missed Tom this time. I did
see him in '99 in Seattle and then before that it was
1979 in Seattle. I had been waiting so long to see
him again, that during the whole concert I sat with
my mouth half way open in awe that I was there, I had
third row center seats, it was brilliant. A young
friend of mine was down in California in '94 and
brought me back a rock from Tom Waits driveway. I
also have a tape of Tom playing with some people he
jams with in Healdsburg. I can't remember the name of
it now,but I will look thru my stuff, I would love to
share it. Till Later, Kiki
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