personal question, <liat>, 19.03.2005 14:13
personal question, <liat>, 19.03.2005 17:18
personal question, <marco>, 19.03.2005 19:31
personal question, <Alli>, 19.03.2005 22:20
personal question - for Alli, <liat>, 19.03.2005 22:40
personal question - for Liat, <Alli>, 20.03.2005 12:20
personal question - for Liat, <liat>, 21.03.2005 00:45
Subject personal question
Created19.03.2005 22:20

Liat, it was a good post.

My main philosophy in life is to always look on the
bright side and remember however bad things are that
someone else somewhere in the world is definitely worse
off than me (it makes me get my act together).

I think that if you do good in your life it will come
back to you in some way. I definitely belive in
karma.. although that has recently been quite tested
for me.

I have learned in life that however bad someone seems
they generally have reasons for being that way.. so
patience and understanding are also very important

Apart from that, I believe that good food, good wine,
good music and a good book are gifts from the Gods
(whoever they might be)!

Oh, and I think there are different types of wisdom.. I
am quite wise emotionally but not so wise academically.

Hope your day is a good one. :)
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