personal question, <liat>, 19.03.2005 14:13
personal question, <liat>, 19.03.2005 17:18
personal question, <marco>, 19.03.2005 19:31
personal question, <Alli>, 19.03.2005 22:20
personal question - for Alli, <liat>, 19.03.2005 22:40
personal question - for Liat, <Alli>, 20.03.2005 12:20
personal question - for Liat, <liat>, 21.03.2005 00:45
Subject personal question - for Liat
Created20.03.2005 12:20

Well, I think that I always felt like that but having
children enhanced it a lot. Plus other situations in
life have taught me certain things. Life is about
learning - again, not academically - but about how we
treat other people and how we behave ourselves. A lot
of that comes from the way you are treated as a child
so I make it my biggest job to let my kids know they
are loved and safe and to teach THEM how to treat other
people too.

To quote Tom Waits.. "we're chained to the world and we
all gotta pull"

Well, now I am off to catch the Marrakech Express to
Woodstock 'cos my post has made me feel a bit hippy.

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