personal question, <liat>, 19.03.2005 14:13
personal question, <liat>, 19.03.2005 17:18
personal question, <marco>, 19.03.2005 19:31
personal question, <Alli>, 19.03.2005 22:20
personal question - for Alli, <liat>, 19.03.2005 22:40
personal question - for Liat, <Alli>, 20.03.2005 12:20
personal question - for Liat, <liat>, 21.03.2005 00:45
Subject personal question - for Alli
Created19.03.2005 22:40

thank you for your honest answer, Alli.
that was wonderfull to read, especialy your last
sentence about being wise emotionally and not
academically, its the same with me. when i was
younger it made me feel stupid, but not anymore.
what about your kids? did they change the way you
look at life?
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