Tom Waits in Observer Music Monthly, <miss_emelmahaaeey>, 20.03.2005 14:26
Tom Waits in Observer Music Monthly, <miss_emelmahaaeey>, 20.03.2005 14:29
Rushes to front door..., <Alli>, 20.03.2005 15:02
Rushes to the link, <marco>, 20.03.2005 15:22
Rushes to the link, <liat>, 21.03.2005 00:55
Rushes to the link, <miss_emelmahaaeey>, 21.03.2005 14:56
Rushes to the link, <marco>, 21.03.2005 16:46
Rushes to the link, <Alli>, 21.03.2005 17:00
Rushes to the link, <miss_emelmahaaeey>, 21.03.2005 19:24
Rushes to the link, <liat>, 21.03.2005 21:39
Rushes to the link, <marco>, 21.03.2005 21:48
Rushes to the link, <miss_emelmahaaeey>, 21.03.2005 23:03
To download or not to download, <marco>, 22.03.2005 00:44
To download or not to download, <liat>, 22.03.2005 10:36
To download or not to download, <liat>, 22.03.2005 10:43
To download or not to download, <marco>, 22.03.2005 10:47
To download or not to download, <Alli>, 22.03.2005 11:49
Lottery, <marco>, 22.03.2005 14:34
Lottery, <Alli>, 22.03.2005 15:18
To download or not to download, <Eric>, 22.03.2005 15:58
Nice to see your name Eric.., <Alli>, 22.03.2005 16:09
Nice to see your name Eric.., <Eric>, 22.03.2005 16:25
Grins, <Alli>, 22.03.2005 19:26
To download or not to download, <Eric>, 22.03.2005 16:22
To download or not to download, <miss_emelmahaaeey>, 22.03.2005 18:40
Rushes to the link, <clarinet>, 22.03.2005 15:58
Subject Rushes to the link
Created21.03.2005 14:56

Yeah, some great choices, and I only have 4 or 5 of those on the
list - a whole world of music that I can't afford to buy!!
How amazing it would be to win the competition!
I have an aversion to downloading albums - feel too guilty and
also I don't think you treasure albums that you download in the
same way. Kind of robs you of the fetish factor :-)
Falling deeply in love with music for me takes time and effort -
sometimes more than others, am thinking Trout Mask Replica! -
and if you can just have it all there at your fingertips maybe you're
less inclined to take the time and more likely to move onto the
next amazing thing on your list. Don't know what you guys all
think of that, just thinking aloud really and wondering if I'm just
being awkward about it.
I just remember first getting into Tom Waits as a teenager - I had
Raindogs and that was it, but I just used to listen to it over and
over again on my walkman. It's like music gets woven into the
fabric of your life that way. Oh dear, I sound like an old fart -
Have just been listening to Dirt in the Ground this morning - how
good is that song, has me brimming over every time, fit to burst.
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