Tom Waits in Observer Music Monthly, <miss_emelmahaaeey>, 20.03.2005 14:26
Tom Waits in Observer Music Monthly, <miss_emelmahaaeey>, 20.03.2005 14:29
Rushes to front door..., <Alli>, 20.03.2005 15:02
Rushes to the link, <marco>, 20.03.2005 15:22
Rushes to the link, <liat>, 21.03.2005 00:55
Rushes to the link, <miss_emelmahaaeey>, 21.03.2005 14:56
Rushes to the link, <marco>, 21.03.2005 16:46
Rushes to the link, <Alli>, 21.03.2005 17:00
Rushes to the link, <miss_emelmahaaeey>, 21.03.2005 19:24
Rushes to the link, <liat>, 21.03.2005 21:39
Rushes to the link, <marco>, 21.03.2005 21:48
Rushes to the link, <miss_emelmahaaeey>, 21.03.2005 23:03
To download or not to download, <marco>, 22.03.2005 00:44
To download or not to download, <liat>, 22.03.2005 10:36
To download or not to download, <liat>, 22.03.2005 10:43
To download or not to download, <marco>, 22.03.2005 10:47
To download or not to download, <Alli>, 22.03.2005 11:49
Lottery, <marco>, 22.03.2005 14:34
Lottery, <Alli>, 22.03.2005 15:18
To download or not to download, <Eric>, 22.03.2005 15:58
Nice to see your name Eric.., <Alli>, 22.03.2005 16:09
Nice to see your name Eric.., <Eric>, 22.03.2005 16:25
Grins, <Alli>, 22.03.2005 19:26
To download or not to download, <Eric>, 22.03.2005 16:22
To download or not to download, <miss_emelmahaaeey>, 22.03.2005 18:40
Rushes to the link, <clarinet>, 22.03.2005 15:58
Subject To download or not to download
Created22.03.2005 00:44

I'm really very ambigious on this topic. Tried to be
reasonable on early postings on this, maybe a little
bit political correct, then when I read Liat's post,
the anarchist in me came out.
She's right, what the hell...
But when we really are going to split hairs here,
having enough money is not the issue.
For if you are poor you are allowed to steal. How
much? Who desides? Where's the limit?
Friend of mine says that if only cds weren't that
expensive... How much less? How far has it to come
down? Come on folks I've got rich friends and they
are the worst. Always sitting on the front row for
free, that's why they became rich in the first place.
I'm not judging anybody. I know I could afford some
of the things I downloaded, but not all by a long
On the other hand I collect original surfvinyl and I
paid some years ago 150 dollars for a rare
autographed Dick Dale lp.
I don't like the early piano Tom Waits that much, but
I want to have all his stuff, so I got some of his
early albums on mp3.
What am I?
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