ANIMALS!!!!, <marco>, 05.05.2005 01:56
ANIMALS!!!!, <ginsoakedboy>, 05.05.2005 09:06
ANIMALS!!!!, <miss_emelmahaaeey>, 05.05.2005 13:42
ANIMALS!!!! for emma, <Alli>, 05.05.2005 14:21
AMINALS!!!!, <Tony Franciosa>, 05.05.2005 20:29
Subject ANIMALS!!!!
Created05.05.2005 09:06

I can think of two mules, one to get behind and one to
kick to the top of a tree. Any variations on this?

And I seem to think there are a lot of dogs littered
around the songs.

Marco - thanks for the Songs. The Jimmy Rodgers one
reminded me of an LP my mum had whenI was a boy, I can
still see the sleeve in my minds eye . I remember him
singing "English Counrty Garden" and especially "HUsh
little baby" (or Mocking bird, I don't know the name)
because she used to sing it to me as a child to put me
to sleep.

Now I had forgotten about that LP , but as soon as I
heard his voice it took me right back to then and lost
me in memory while he sang.

Thanks again.
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