ANIMALS!!!!, <marco>, 05.05.2005 01:56
ANIMALS!!!!, <ginsoakedboy>, 05.05.2005 09:06
ANIMALS!!!!, <miss_emelmahaaeey>, 05.05.2005 13:42
ANIMALS!!!! for emma, <Alli>, 05.05.2005 14:21
AMINALS!!!!, <Tony Franciosa>, 05.05.2005 20:29
Subject ANIMALS!!!!
Created05.05.2005 13:42

Since I'm a dog lover:
Old Jip and Tallulah - is he talking about a dog there? I like to
think so. Apparently she's friendly anyway - spring immediately to
And of course there's that Filipino boxspring hog. But I'm a
vegetarian :-)
A black crow. Tons more but too early for brain to really work. Oh,
of course, a fish and a bird. And a whale. And a mockingbird, as
gin's post reminded me.
By the way gin, loved the (deep) throat music! I can see the links
with The Dubliners actually and my husband said it put him in the
mind for The Pogues, so that all fits rather nicely with what I know
of some ginsoakedboy. Ta for that. Marco, haven't heard the tune
you sent me yet, always takes a bit of time since the sound
doesn't work on this computer. It's a pain, but a new sound card
is quite expensive and really difficult to fit by myself, so am just
gonna have to live with it (or without it). It's the election here
today - depressing. Practically nobody to vote for, they're all full
of shit. However, must go and exercise my right etc.
Alli - cool plan about the chooks! I'd love to keep hens. Major
wish is to get a donkey one day, but would need to move out of
Glasgow and have some more space. Don't think the neighbours
would be too up for a donkey in the shared garden!
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