ANIMALS!!!!, <marco>, 05.05.2005 01:56
ANIMALS!!!!, <ginsoakedboy>, 05.05.2005 09:06
ANIMALS!!!!, <miss_emelmahaaeey>, 05.05.2005 13:42
ANIMALS!!!! for emma, <Alli>, 05.05.2005 14:21
AMINALS!!!!, <Tony Franciosa>, 05.05.2005 20:29
Subject ANIMALS!!!! for emma
Created05.05.2005 14:21

I know people with donkeys.. rescue ones.. there are
plenty about and they really are lovely looking (like
those cute nativity type donkeys). But yeah, shared
garden is not a good idea. I am not getting a cockerel
because of the noise but I think they are actually
fairly quiet in comparison with a donkey :)

I'm not really into the idea of having a donkey myself
- following a donkey incident from my youth that I'd
really rather forget! Think kicking and biting..
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