masterpiece?, <graemesd>, 07.10.2004 16:00
masterpiece?, <Raindog Harry>, 07.10.2004 16:06
masterpiece?, <Ross>, 07.10.2004 18:29
masterpiece?, <stefan>, 07.10.2004 20:33
masterpiece?, <Raindog Harry>, 07.10.2004 23:32
masterpiece?, <Stefan>, 08.10.2004 02:09
Waits covers, <Raindog Harry>, 08.10.2004 11:38
Waits covers, <Dirk>, 08.10.2004 14:15
about Waits covers, <Pablo>, 08.10.2004 15:49
the carnival saloon, <paul laffan>, 30.10.2004 01:11
Black Rider, <Edser>, 08.10.2004 14:51
masterpiece?, <miss_emelmahaaeey>, 09.10.2004 16:43
masterpiece?, <miss_emelmahaaeey>, 09.10.2004 16:48
Subject masterpiece?
SenderRaindog Harry
Created07.10.2004 23:32

Nice that you'll buy it, I think you'll like it, as I
have the impression you're quite a fan, you're seeing
three concerts are you? Two tickets bought by
yourself, and one bought buy your friend? (Just
guessing) I am seeing two concerts, 19 and 21 (got
excellent seats too, especially on Sunday, in the
hall itself, very close to the stage, I'm really
excited about it. Anyway, the Black Rider was made
for a theatre show, I saw it performed in the
Muziektheater Amsterdam, some five years ago or so,
performed by the German Thalia Theatre Company or
something like that. Nice old fairy tale. One song
sung in by Mr William Burroughs, the Beat Generation
hero, on the cd, not on stage of course. Funny
detail: that song contains the phrase "It ain't no
sin, to take off your skin, and dance around in your
bones". When Herman Brood died, his fairly unknown
cover "When I get Home" of an equally fairly unknown
Nick Cave Song (originally called "Right now I'm a-
roaming", released as a Bonus track from "The
boatman's call" promo) was released as the B-side of
My Way. I was very surprised when on that cover I
heard Herman sing the following lines: "When I get
home, I'm gonna take off my skin and dance around in
my bones". He can only have taken that from Tom Waits
I think. So he took the melody from Cave, who is also
mentioned on the two-song-cd released after his
death, as well as on Ciao Monkey, and made his own
lines to that song, but took one sentence from Waits,
from The Black Rider. Wonder if more people noticed
it. Anyway: about The Black Rider: The Dutch
Toneelgezelschap or something like that, (too lazy
now to look it up), wanted to perform The Black Rider
about a year ago, in Holland, but Tom did not give
permission to perform the music live on stage, as he
was dissatisfied with a German performance somewhat
earlier, at least that is what I hear/read somewhere!
The Theatre company had already rehearsed for two
years I think, and then had to find another play to
perform. The Black Rider was performed in London in
May-June 2004. Especially Russian fans ought to get a
copy of it, as it also contains a song called Russian
Dance ;-)

Raindog Harry
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