masterpiece?, <graemesd>, 07.10.2004 16:00
masterpiece?, <Raindog Harry>, 07.10.2004 16:06
masterpiece?, <Ross>, 07.10.2004 18:29
masterpiece?, <stefan>, 07.10.2004 20:33
masterpiece?, <Raindog Harry>, 07.10.2004 23:32
masterpiece?, <Stefan>, 08.10.2004 02:09
Waits covers, <Raindog Harry>, 08.10.2004 11:38
Waits covers, <Dirk>, 08.10.2004 14:15
about Waits covers, <Pablo>, 08.10.2004 15:49
the carnival saloon, <paul laffan>, 30.10.2004 01:11
Black Rider, <Edser>, 08.10.2004 14:51
masterpiece?, <miss_emelmahaaeey>, 09.10.2004 16:43
masterpiece?, <miss_emelmahaaeey>, 09.10.2004 16:48
Subject about Waits covers
Created08.10.2004 15:49

I was quite surprised to know that there are bands
playing Tom's songs:)). One day, walking across Saint
Petersburg i noticed a poster on the doors of a club
advertising a performance of the band called "Billy's
Band" which performance having the name "Being Tom
Waits". It was really shocking for me!:) But i
couldn't manage to be there that night... Some time
passed away and i faced the same poster in Moscow! And
then i didn't miss the show! It was great! They
performed Tom's songs in a little bit different manner
(a bit different accordion and lead guitar) but with
almost the same voice!:)) They are actually only three
guys! Bass & Vocal man, accordion and percussion
buddy, and electric guitar lad:) Their site is I seem there are some mp3s to
download. They began with performing Tom's songs and
later launched their own songs which are not all so
good i seem (of course!:)) if it could be the other
way?:))))) Well, and here on the forum i read about
other bands "covering" Waits!:)) Nice!:)
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