masterpiece?, <graemesd>, 07.10.2004 16:00
masterpiece?, <Raindog Harry>, 07.10.2004 16:06
masterpiece?, <Ross>, 07.10.2004 18:29
masterpiece?, <stefan>, 07.10.2004 20:33
masterpiece?, <Raindog Harry>, 07.10.2004 23:32
masterpiece?, <Stefan>, 08.10.2004 02:09
Waits covers, <Raindog Harry>, 08.10.2004 11:38
Waits covers, <Dirk>, 08.10.2004 14:15
about Waits covers, <Pablo>, 08.10.2004 15:49
the carnival saloon, <paul laffan>, 30.10.2004 01:11
Black Rider, <Edser>, 08.10.2004 14:51
masterpiece?, <miss_emelmahaaeey>, 09.10.2004 16:43
masterpiece?, <miss_emelmahaaeey>, 09.10.2004 16:48
Subject masterpiece?
Created08.10.2004 02:09

Hi Harry and everyone else,

Well, you are quite into details! Nice story though.

Yes, I am quite a fan. And becoming more and more
addicted to his music. It started out with Rain Dogs
that I bought something like 10 years ago. But I
didn't really listen to it very much.
That started when my best friend got Mule Variations
for his birthday 5 years ago. I bought it myself to.
Then I listened to RainDogs again and again and got
into his beautiful music... Really something different
than the music that I listenend to at that moment,
which was more Stonerrock and Indierock.

And over the last 5 years I have been buying his
records one at a moment. I mean, he is not the only
artist that I listen to. I like other types of music
More and more I became a huge fan of his music. 4
years ago I saw a concert of a cover band in Dublin.
The band is called "The carnival saloon" and they
played in a venue called Whelans.
They still play and I would love to see them perform
again someday.

That was a great show. On forehand I was a bit sceptic
about the whole thing, because I thought "Who the hell
on earth can play decent covers of Tom Waits?!?!?!?!"
But it was excellent. I even asked them come and play
over here in Holland, but I never got a reaction from
them. Too bad.

But now I am going to see the man himself! Two nights,
friday and saturday. I am so much looking forward to
it. Over the last years I have been telling people
that I would go to any European country to see him
live and now I am able to see him live in Amsterdam.

This concert makes me listen more to his music than
normally. This is nice, because you have something to
really look forward to and you get to know the music
better and better.

Maybe someday I will become such a big fan as you
are.... :-)

Anyway, as soon as I see the album Black Rider in
store I will buy it.

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