London dvd, <olivertony>, 08.01.2005 16:45
London dvd, <olivertony>, 08.01.2005 16:46
London dvd, <marco>, 08.01.2005 17:05
London dvd, <olivertony>, 08.01.2005 17:48
London dvd, <marco>, 08.01.2005 18:30
London dvd, <marco>, 08.01.2005 18:54
easytree, <ginsoakedboy>, 08.01.2005 19:41
easytree, <marco aka surfraptor>, 09.01.2005 00:02
Hoistthatragtimemusic, <ginsoakedboy>, 09.01.2005 16:36
Paypal, <ginsoakedboy>, 09.01.2005 17:02
Paypal, <marco>, 09.01.2005 17:58
Russia Novorossijsk, <altp2000>, 08.08.2005 13:44
Subject London dvd
Created08.01.2005 16:45

I saw a dvd of the London show for sale at Camden
Market the other day. Apparently it was filmed from
the front row of the balcony. Has anyone seen it? If
so, what's the sound quality like? It was £20, which
isn't a fortune I know, but it's still £20..!!
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