London dvd, <olivertony>, 08.01.2005 16:45
London dvd, <olivertony>, 08.01.2005 16:46
London dvd, <marco>, 08.01.2005 17:05
London dvd, <olivertony>, 08.01.2005 17:48
London dvd, <marco>, 08.01.2005 18:30
London dvd, <marco>, 08.01.2005 18:54
easytree, <ginsoakedboy>, 08.01.2005 19:41
easytree, <marco aka surfraptor>, 09.01.2005 00:02
Hoistthatragtimemusic, <ginsoakedboy>, 09.01.2005 16:36
Paypal, <ginsoakedboy>, 09.01.2005 17:02
Paypal, <marco>, 09.01.2005 17:58
Russia Novorossijsk, <altp2000>, 08.08.2005 13:44
Subject Paypal
Created09.01.2005 17:02

You can set up a paypal account from the link on the
"donate" page on easytree.

You just register your credit/debit card and your
details and then you use Paypal to make payments (or
accept payments if you set it up for that ) to other
people. I have used it on eBay a few times and have had
no problems with it. It is supposed to be secure and
you have a degree of legal cover and insurance with it
but I am not sure about the extent of that. On eBay,
they recomend only using PAyPal to make payments,
because the recipient has to be registered with them
and this helps reduce fraud. They also offer some
limited cover if you use paypal

Anyway, I'm no expert but like I say, I've used it with
no problems so far.
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