London dvd, <olivertony>, 08.01.2005 16:45
London dvd, <olivertony>, 08.01.2005 16:46
London dvd, <marco>, 08.01.2005 17:05
London dvd, <olivertony>, 08.01.2005 17:48
London dvd, <marco>, 08.01.2005 18:30
London dvd, <marco>, 08.01.2005 18:54
easytree, <ginsoakedboy>, 08.01.2005 19:41
easytree, <marco aka surfraptor>, 09.01.2005 00:02
Hoistthatragtimemusic, <ginsoakedboy>, 09.01.2005 16:36
Paypal, <ginsoakedboy>, 09.01.2005 17:02
Paypal, <marco>, 09.01.2005 17:58
Russia Novorossijsk, <altp2000>, 08.08.2005 13:44
Subject easytree
Sendermarco aka surfraptor
Created09.01.2005 00:02

Don't have the answer right away.
I'm not a computernerd by any means, I just share
info that I guess works for me.
For example I've been seeding the TW television dvd
(the 8.03GB one) on and off on Easytree. (I'm
But first things first I search and find the thing I
want click on it and the details of the torrent
appear I click on the torrent and I get an error
message (everytime)
"Ongeldige menu-ingang" don't know the english
message. Anyway can't get in, but when I right click
I select "save as" and then click "save" to put it in
a directory. Then I open the directory click the
torrent and open it with btdownloadgui (the
bittorrent software) Then sometimes Bram Cohen tells
me that bittorrent is his only job, and he's right I
have to donate but don't know how paypal works
But my computer asks me where to put it. I tell my
computer and the torrent starts running.
When I have it and my PC tells me she needs a rest I
give her a hug and go to sleep.
Then I see there are more people who want the Tom
Waits dvd.
And I think:"Well why not you sob's"
I do the same think as when I started the torrent,
see above, but then she reminds me that it's already
on my harddisk and she asks me if I want it to
replace, I say yes and then the torrent doesn't start
over again but first tracks my harddisk if I have
already got it and behold I have, so when it reaches
100% it stars seeding and everybody's happy.
I don't know if I'm making any sense and I'm sure
there are nerds that are under the table now but
that's what I do...

About Hoist That Rag, you have a good memory
ginsoaked, haven't done it yet but I'm sure that if
I'm playing them all at once I'm the godfather of a
brand new musicstyle, the charliepatton, the
jimmierodgers, the billmonroe og Hoistthatragtimemusic
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