London dvd, <olivertony>, 08.01.2005 16:45
London dvd, <olivertony>, 08.01.2005 16:46
London dvd, <marco>, 08.01.2005 17:05
London dvd, <olivertony>, 08.01.2005 17:48
London dvd, <marco>, 08.01.2005 18:30
London dvd, <marco>, 08.01.2005 18:54
easytree, <ginsoakedboy>, 08.01.2005 19:41
easytree, <marco aka surfraptor>, 09.01.2005 00:02
Hoistthatragtimemusic, <ginsoakedboy>, 09.01.2005 16:36
Paypal, <ginsoakedboy>, 09.01.2005 17:02
Paypal, <marco>, 09.01.2005 17:58
Russia Novorossijsk, <altp2000>, 08.08.2005 13:44
Subject Hoistthatragtimemusic
Created09.01.2005 16:36

I love it, I love it . Hoistthatragtimemusic.Brilliant.

Unfortunately, I don't have a good memory, just a very
selective one.

Off on a tangent - I had some people up for Xmas
dinner and for music I use ejay to make a playlist from
the mp3s on my PC, (I don't have a CD player or hi fi
any more) .

Now in any playlist ( for when I have visitors ) I
usually try to sneak in one or two TW songs. You see
there's only Mrs Ginsoaked and my brother Pete
Ginsoaked that would willingly listen to the man.
Anyway, this xmas, the people we had up included the
friend who arranged a security pass for us the see the
LOndon Show. I stuck the live "Hoist that Rag " in the
middle of the playlist and as it came on the Mrs
Ginsoaked ( who loves the song and would listen to it
twenty-eleven times in a row if she was let) announces
to everyone " This is the actual show that you got us
the tickets for"
Mrs Friend says disbelievingly " THAT is what all the
fuss was about??"

Mr Friend says " I hope that's not one of his better ones"

End of conversation for a while. Luckily, I had
followed it upon the list with "Jersey Girl" to sweeten
their musical medicine, as Mr Friend is a big Loose
Windscreen fan.

You see, I try, but it's not so easy to Hoist That Rag
in company

Thanks for the tips on the easytree. I'm just about in
the middle of getting the London Show . I'll try the
seeding again, I think the problem is with shareaza
being my default torrent application .

What is on the 8G download?
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