Miss E, Alli, <ginsoakedboy>, 26.04.2005 02:39
Gin, <Alli>, 26.04.2005 13:05
Gin, <ginsoakedboy>, 27.04.2005 02:07
SMIRKS (nm), <Alli>, 27.04.2005 18:24
Miss E, Alli, <miss_emelmahaaeey>, 26.04.2005 13:35
Miss E, Alli, <ginsoakedboy>, 27.04.2005 01:58
Miss E, Alli, <miss_emelmahaaeey>, 27.04.2005 18:12
Miss E, Alli, <marco>, 27.04.2005 18:58
Marco, <Alli>, 27.04.2005 19:55
Miss E, Alli, <miss_emelmahaaeey>, 27.04.2005 22:41
Favourite Guinness, <ginsoakedboy>, 28.04.2005 01:26
Miss E, Alli, <ginsoakedboy>, 28.04.2005 01:29
Miss E, Alli, <miss_emelmahaaeey>, 28.04.2005 13:45
Subject Miss E, Alli
Created26.04.2005 02:39

I don't seem to have an email address for you , mine is
ginsoakedboy@hotmail.co.uk. I have a Dubliners version
of "The bBand Played Waltzing Mathilda" for you, I only
have the MAkem and Clancy one on tape but I will get it
sometiem, I'm sure. It's my favourite of the three.

Were you listening to The Pogues because of the
Gallipoli anniversary, or was that another coincidence?.

Alli, don't seem to have yours either, anymore. You
never know when I might want to send you some Mongolian
Throat Music.

By the way, I shared a house with a girl once who drank
Guinness and Lucozade mixed. Aprat from that she was
quite normal.

And what is going on withe the supposed Tom May show in
Hammersmith?? anybody heard anythihng about anything
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