Miss E, Alli, <ginsoakedboy>, 26.04.2005 02:39
Gin, <Alli>, 26.04.2005 13:05
Gin, <ginsoakedboy>, 27.04.2005 02:07
SMIRKS (nm), <Alli>, 27.04.2005 18:24
Miss E, Alli, <miss_emelmahaaeey>, 26.04.2005 13:35
Miss E, Alli, <ginsoakedboy>, 27.04.2005 01:58
Miss E, Alli, <miss_emelmahaaeey>, 27.04.2005 18:12
Miss E, Alli, <marco>, 27.04.2005 18:58
Marco, <Alli>, 27.04.2005 19:55
Miss E, Alli, <miss_emelmahaaeey>, 27.04.2005 22:41
Favourite Guinness, <ginsoakedboy>, 28.04.2005 01:26
Miss E, Alli, <ginsoakedboy>, 28.04.2005 01:29
Miss E, Alli, <miss_emelmahaaeey>, 28.04.2005 13:45
Subject Miss E, Alli
Created27.04.2005 01:58

Is that a "Black Russian" , the Tia Maria, Coke,
Guinness thing?? That's a lovely drink. I used to have
a couple when I was getting in touch with my feminine
side :-). Did I tell ye that Guinness are making their
Nigerian recipe in Dublin now because the growing
African population find the Irish stuff too weak? If
you can , get a bottle of the Nigerian brew, it's
usually marked "Foreign Export, brewed in Dublin and
Nigeria " . When I was in Londo I used to have the odd
bottle. There were two types , the one marked 7.5% and
the other one with no clue at all of how strong it was.
That was the one to be careful of. So you can imagine
two Nigerians in Dublin saying " These Irish just
can't make a good drop of stout, not like the stuff we
get at home. I would recommend trying a bottle just for
the craic some time when you cant to get in touch with
your masculine side. But not before class. Although on
second thoughts.......

My best pint of Guinness, Ill have to think about.
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