Miss E, Alli, <ginsoakedboy>, 26.04.2005 02:39
Gin, <Alli>, 26.04.2005 13:05
Gin, <ginsoakedboy>, 27.04.2005 02:07
SMIRKS (nm), <Alli>, 27.04.2005 18:24
Miss E, Alli, <miss_emelmahaaeey>, 26.04.2005 13:35
Miss E, Alli, <ginsoakedboy>, 27.04.2005 01:58
Miss E, Alli, <miss_emelmahaaeey>, 27.04.2005 18:12
Miss E, Alli, <marco>, 27.04.2005 18:58
Marco, <Alli>, 27.04.2005 19:55
Miss E, Alli, <miss_emelmahaaeey>, 27.04.2005 22:41
Favourite Guinness, <ginsoakedboy>, 28.04.2005 01:26
Miss E, Alli, <ginsoakedboy>, 28.04.2005 01:29
Miss E, Alli, <miss_emelmahaaeey>, 28.04.2005 13:45
Subject Gin
Created27.04.2005 02:07

I used to have the occasional brandy and babycham when
I couldn't think of what to have next, but thankfully
no more. Oh, Babycham!! - remember the deer with
her/his sparkling trail in the adverts. Last time i
saw it it was in a blue bottle I think, but back in the
days it was a little green innocent bottle(the drink,
not the deer). when I grew up there were only two beer
taps in the pubs, Guinness and Smithwicks( a kind of
ale?bitter). Lager was in bottles only and strictly for
women, not ladies. Ladies drank Babycham, not women. Or
a warm glass of sweet white wine that had been opened
last christmas. And most of the pubs did not have
ladies loos,youhad to go upstairs to use the families
loo. I kid you not.

Please note I am trying hard to ignore throat music
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