Miss E, Alli, <ginsoakedboy>, 26.04.2005 02:39
Gin, <Alli>, 26.04.2005 13:05
Gin, <ginsoakedboy>, 27.04.2005 02:07
SMIRKS (nm), <Alli>, 27.04.2005 18:24
Miss E, Alli, <miss_emelmahaaeey>, 26.04.2005 13:35
Miss E, Alli, <ginsoakedboy>, 27.04.2005 01:58
Miss E, Alli, <miss_emelmahaaeey>, 27.04.2005 18:12
Miss E, Alli, <marco>, 27.04.2005 18:58
Marco, <Alli>, 27.04.2005 19:55
Miss E, Alli, <miss_emelmahaaeey>, 27.04.2005 22:41
Favourite Guinness, <ginsoakedboy>, 28.04.2005 01:26
Miss E, Alli, <ginsoakedboy>, 28.04.2005 01:29
Miss E, Alli, <miss_emelmahaaeey>, 28.04.2005 13:45
Subject Miss E, Alli
Created27.04.2005 18:12

Nigerian Guinness? Now that's something to look out for! And
with no strength indicator - oh dear, sounds messy. But I'll try
anything once ;-)
Black Russians are vodka and kahlua. Am very partial to White
Russians myself: vodka, kahlua and milk. Might sound bogging
but is actually mighty delicious, and you can always kid yourself
on that you're 'lining your stomach' (that old chestnut). Realise I
am starting to sound like an alcoholic.
The piano has been drinking... :-)
Would love to hear The Dubliners' Waltzing Matilda gin. Cheers.
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